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Australian Electoral Commission
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For voters
For parties and political participants
Learn about elections
Information centre
For voters
Enrol to vote
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Special category enrolment
New citizens
Ways to vote
Completing my ballot paper
Practise voting
Indigenous Australians
Translated information
People with disability
People with no fixed address
People living in residential aged care
Voter's guide to election communication
For parties and political participants
Registration and disclosure
Access and transparency
Electoral processes
Registration and disclosure
Political party registration
Significant third party registration
Associated entity registration
Financial disclosure
Referendum disclosure
Access and transparency
Transparency Register
Register of political parties and decisions
Current party applications and notices
Electoral roll data access
Compliance and enforcement
Our regulatory approach
Electoral processes
Candidate information hub
Scrutineer information
Election funding
Authorising electoral communication
Electoral law backgrounders
Learn about elections
Delivering an election
Voting and the Government
Delivering an election
Managing the electoral roll
Altering electoral divisions
Determining ballot paper order
Planning voting services
Counting the votes
Voting and the Government
The three levels of government
When elections are held
Forming federal Government
Preferential voting
AEC for schools
Community education
Accessible Education
Information centre
Electoral divisions
Elections and events
Transparency and integrity
Electoral divisions
Find my electoral division
Current electoral divisions
Enrolment statistics
Maps and spatial data
Electoral division redistributions
Elections and events
Past results
Federal elections
Industrial elections and ballots
2025 federal election Service Plan
Transparency and integrity
Election safeguards
Reputation Management System
Transparency Register
Electoral Backgrounders
Who we are
Work with us
Talk to us
Who we are
The AEC's role
Annual reports
Corporate plan
Work with us
AEC Careers
Current vacancies
Graduate Program
Working at elections
Talk to us
Contact us
AEC Newsroom
AEC procurement
For voters
Enrol to vote
Update my details
Check my enrolment
Special category enrolment
New citizens
Ways to vote
Completing my ballot paper
Practise voting
Indigenous Australians
Translated information
People with disability
People with no fixed address
People living in residential aged care
Voter's guide to election communication
For parties and political participants
Registration and disclosure
Political party registration
Significant third party registration
Associated entity registration
Financial disclosure
Referendum disclosure
Access and transparency
Transparency Register
Register of political parties and decisions
Current party applications and notices
Electoral roll data access
Compliance and enforcement
Our regulatory approach
Electoral processes
Candidate information hub
Scrutineer information
Election funding
Authorising electoral communication
Electoral law backgrounders
Learn about elections
Delivering an election
Managing the electoral roll
Altering electoral divisions
Determining ballot paper order
Planning voting services
Counting the votes
Voting and the Government
The three levels of government
When elections are held
Forming federal Government
Preferential voting
AEC for schools
Community education
Accessible Education
Information centre
Electoral divisions
Find my electoral division
Current electoral divisions
Enrolment statistics
Maps and spatial data
Electoral division redistributions
Elections and events
Past results
Federal elections
Industrial elections and ballots
2025 federal election Service Plan
Transparency and integrity
Election safeguards
Reputation Management System
Transparency Register
Electoral Backgrounders
Who we are
The AEC's role
Annual reports
Corporate plan
Work with us
AEC Careers
Current vacancies
Graduate Program
Working at elections
Talk to us
Contact us
AEC Newsroom
AEC procurement
Overview of the AEC
Translated and accessible information
6 March 2025
한국어 / Korean
Telephone interpreter service
1300 720 468
A guide to enrolling and voting / 선거인 등록 및 투표 관련 안내문
선거인 등록 및 투표 관련 안내문
A guide to enrolling and voting
How to make your vote count / 올바른 투표법
올바른 투표법
How to make your vote count
투표 예행 연습-하원 선거용
Practise voting - House of Representatives
투표 예행 연습-상원 선거용ា
Practise voting - Senate
Stop and consider / 잠깐 멈추고 깊이 생각해 보십시오 – 이번 연방 선거 관련 자료를 꼼꼼히 살펴 보십시오
잠깐 멈추고 깊이 생각해 보십시오 – 이번 연방 선거 관련 자료를 꼼꼼히 살펴 보십시오
Stop and consider - Check the source this federal election
한국어 / Korean - In-language information (videos)
Korean – Preferential voting for the Senate
Korean – Preferential voting for the House of Representatives
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